March 12, 2020

National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month shines a spotlight on nutrition in everything we eat, big and small. After all, every bite counts!

What’s a unique way to eat more vegetables?

A unique way to eat more veggies would be the way you like best. This can be dipping carrot or celery sticks in hummus, blending spinach with a smoothie, cooking veggies with your favorite dishes, and even

Is there a wrong way to prepare vegetables?

There is not necessarily a wrong wat to prepare vegetables, but things that should be done before preparation. Make sure to clean vegetables, and fruit, under water and remove any visible dirt. This applies to any and all types, even those with peels, such as cucumbers, avocados, and bananas. You can eat them raw, bake, roast, grill, or pan fry in an oil (preferably olive, canola, or avocado oil). Boiling vegetables usually leaches out vitamins and minerals into the water, so try to avoid this cooking method.

What’s your favorite vegetable recipe?

Making a stir-fry dish is an easy way to load up on veggies while also being flavorful. You can mix a protein source (chicken, turkey, tofu, beans) with a variety of vegetables to add in more fiber and antioxidants. I like adding in peppers, onions, mushrooms and anything left over to not let anything go to waste.

Any tips on how to start a clean eating routine?

I would advise trying not to use “clean eating” as a phrase, rather than making more healthful food choices. Alongside the above tips, try adding fruit into a salad to add sweetness, fiber, and added nutrients rather than a dressing loaded with saturated fat and added sugar. You can also aim to consume 2-3 veggies and 2-3 fruits daily as a goal. Stick with the ones you like and try new ones you have not. I would also strongly recommend sticking with whole fruits and veggies, rather than juices as they take away most of the fiber and beneficial properties. Frozen options are quick and easy as you can stick a bag in the microwave for a few minutes, add seasoning, and you are good to go.


Information provided by Michael Rollo, MS, RD.

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